与“How to do visual formal analysis in art history”相符的视频
2017年9月18日 · Giovanni Bellini, Madonna of the Meadow, c. 1500, oil and egg on synthetic panel, transferred ...
时长: 9:53
发布时间: 2017年9月18日
与“How to do visual formal analysis in art history”相符的视频
2017年9月18日 · The painting's moderate size, pyramid-like composition, and use of perspective create a sense ...
时长: 9:53
发布时间: 2017年9月18日
Start by looking closely—really closely. Now let's talk about scale, composition, space, form, line, color, tone…
A visual analysis addresses an artwork's formal elements—visual attributes such as color, line, texture, and size.
Formal analysis is an important technique for organizing visual information. In other words, it is a strategy used to translate what you see into written words.
与“How to do visual formal analysis in art history”相符的视频
2022年6月4日 · In this video, I go through the steps of crafting a visual analysis. This is one of the most important ...
时长: 3:42
发布时间: 2022年6月4日
Is there figural decoration (why/why not)? What kind of subjects are included? Who (or what group) commissioned the work? What controls did they exercise?
2017年9月18日 · My professor, Dr. Bryan Zygmont, wrote some articles for this site! Wonderful articles for the art-curious as they are easy to read and ...
Consider the context of the work: artist, time, historical background, location. These facts cannot be used in your visual analysis, but they can give shape to ...
A-level: How to do visual (formal) analysis. by Dr. Beth Harris and Dr. Steven Zucker. With Giovanni Bellini, Madonna of the Meadow, c. 1500, oil and egg on ...