But ideas are not "near zero value". There's nothing to execute on without them, and unlike "executing", there's no system to repeat it.
Mar 13, 2011 ¡P I think this is one of the important facets that determine how successful your execution will be. Put in too little functionality and it could ...
Mar 11, 2023 ¡P The idea didn't matter. Many examples like these. Don't overthink this. It is not the idea. It is the execution. I say this as someone who ...
People always say that it's about the 'execution' and not the 'idea', but it's still not a good idea to share your good ideas until you are sure you either ...
Ideas are utterly worthless. Execution is everything. I freely give every single idea (some actually valuable!) I've ever had away for free.
Jan 2, 2011 ¡P I agree, my whole point is that the Idea cannot be separated from execution, and execution cannot be separated from idea. They both can be ...
Mar 15, 2008 ¡P An idea by itself is worthless without execution, but definitely worth something with the right execution behind it. So you can think of an idea ...
Dec 15, 2021 ¡P Ideas are a catalyst for execution. Execution throws up new ideas. So I agree with the conclusion but not the reasoning.
Feb 4, 2011 ¡P The article brings a valid point. If you're a wanna-be entrepreneur and all you have an idea, that's not nearly enough.
The prerequisite for executing something, is the idea that you have an idea. Otherwise you will never go through the hassle of making something in the first ...