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inauthor: Samuel Coleridge (來源
Table Talk, Part I Samuel Taylor Coleridge Kathleen Coburn, B. Winer. provoke the feelings of the Christian Church ... in author- ity have a responsibility to deter others from damnable teaching . HNC included in " Omniana " C's ...
inauthor: Samuel Coleridge (來源
... in author's 2305 ; libel 1330 Manuscripts of J. B. Fortescue , Esq . , Preserved at Dropmore 1145n many , the 282 the oppressed 2384 Manyah 3210 Maogamalcha 2353 maps , prohibition against publishing 2151 Marat , Jean Paul ( 1743-93 ) ...
inauthor: Samuel Coleridge (來源
... in author 185 , 528 ; ideal 1225 ; inward ' 136 ; man of 2237 , 242 ; meaning of word 1205 , 2469 ; moral 1185 , 288 , 315 , 329 , 602 , 242 , 162 , 171 , 214 , 270 , 479 , 499 , 504 ; organ ( s ) of 1488 , 2266 ; of smell 129 ; sound ...
inauthor: Samuel Coleridge (來源
One of the major figures of English Romanticism, Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834) created works of remarkable diversity and imaginative genius.
inauthor: Samuel Coleridge (來源
Samuel Taylor Coleridge. provoke the feelings of the Christian Church . He called the Trinity — the Cerberus of ... in author- ity have a responsibility to deter others from damnable teaching . HNC included in " Omniana " C's ...
inauthor: Samuel Coleridge (來源
... in author 185 , 528 ; ideal 1225 ; inward ' 136 ; man of 2237 , 242 ; meaning of word 1205 , 2469 ; moral 1185 , 288 , 315 , 329 , 602 , 242 , 162 , 171 , 214 , 270 , 479 , 499 , 504 ; organ ( s ) of 1488 , 2266 ; of smell 129 ; sound ...