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inauthor: William Hayley(来源
William Cowper Thomas Shuttleworth Grimshawe, William Hayley. destitute of all spiritual consolation may , by occa ... in author- ship will do me no good , ) have nevertheless , by so doing , comforted others , at the same time that ...
inauthor: William Hayley(来源
... in author- ship will do me no good , ) have nevertheless , by so doing , comforted others , at the same time that they administer to me no consolation . But I will proceed no farther in this strain , lest my prose should damp a pleasure ...
inauthor: William Hayley(来源
His Life and Letters by William Hayley : Now First Completed by the Introduction of Cowper's Private Correspondence ... in author- ship will do me no good , ) have nevertheless , by so doing , comforted others , at the same time ...
inauthor: William Hayley(来源
Lewis Randolph Hamersly, John William Leonard, William Frederick Mohr ... in Author of contributions to the chemistry of Mexican border service ... Hayley : on Artist ; b . Adelaide , South Australia , 1876 ; s . Albion and ...
inauthor: William Hayley(来源
... Hayley omitted the insertion of several in - ledgments for his condescension and kindness , in undertak- teresting ... WILLIAM COWPER was born at Great Berkhamstead , in press it into as small a compass as was consistent with a ...
inauthor: William Hayley(来源
... William Shenstone , Joseph Spence , William Whiston , and Ste- phen Duck . But first volumes of his Decline and Fall . " The | the blind poet and subsequently minister in author himself is the best judge of his own the Scottish Church ...
inauthor: William Hayley(来源
... William Cowper relegated to Chapter XV . - " Au- tobiographic Sketches of Schools and School Days " - and there ... Hayley's and end- ing with Southey's , are , two - thirds of them least , compilations from his letters . Again ...
inauthor: William Hayley(来源
... Hayley omitted the insertion of several in- ledgments for his condescension and kindness , in undertak- teresting ... WILLIAM COwper was born at Great Berkhamstead , in To impart ease and perspiculty to the memoir , and to com ...
inauthor: William Hayley(来源
Disabled People Destroy Science Fiction September/October 2018 William Alexander, Rachel Swirsky, Jennifer ... Hayley © 2018 by Jennifer Brozek Jennifer Brozek is an award winning author , editor , and tie - in author . Never ...
inauthor: William Hayley(来源
... William Wordsworth , and Robert Southey , are doubt not , generally perused . To show the ous book - auctions with ... Hayley's life judgment of what is good we value very highly , first specimen , our readers shall be placed in of ...