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inauthor: Joseph John Gurney(来源
... John Ernest Bode . O Jesus , Joy of loving hearts . 241 Bernard of Clairvaux ... Joseph Grigg ( Jesus , and shall it ever be ) O Jesus , Source of calm ... Gurney . O precious Saviour , heal and bless .. 393 Anna Hoppe O precious ...
inauthor: Joseph John Gurney(来源
... Joseph , 6 , Bernard - street , Russell- square , London , W.C. - Clare Coll . Cam . Sen. Scho . of , Cl . Prizeman ... John , Fordington , Dorches- ter . - Corpus Coll . Cam . B.A. 1855 , M.A. 1858 ; Deac . 1857 and Pr . 1859 by ...
inauthor: Joseph John Gurney(来源
... GURNEY , Snaresbrook , E.-L.R.C.P. Edin . 1867 ; M.R.C.S. Eng . 1866 ... JOHN , Fairlawn , Fulham Med . Off . Gen. Hosp . Nottingham ; formerly Hous ... JOSEPH LAMONT , 82 , Guilford - st * CASTANEDA , JOHN , 10 , New Cavendish ...
inauthor: Joseph John Gurney(来源
... JOHN PRESCOTT KNIGHT , R.A. , Secretary . ACADEMY ARTS , LONDON , February 10 , 1859 . ROYAL OF A Letter , of which ... JOSEPH ZAEHNSDORF , English and Foreign Bookbinder , 30 , Brydges - street , Covent - garden , W.C. The First ...
inauthor: Joseph John Gurney(来源
... Joseph M. Smith , M.D. ( Published by order of the Academy . ) - We spoke of this address at the time of its ... John Sterling , the Ether and Chloroform : their Employment in author of the two Froudes and the two Newmans , Morell ...
inauthor: Joseph John Gurney(来源
... Joseph , 6 , Bernard - street , Russell - deaconry of Bedford . Author , Twelve Advent Sermons , square , London ... John , Fordington , Dorches- ter . - Corpus Coll . Cam . B.A. 1855 , M.A. 1858 ; Deac . 1857 and Pr . 1859 by Bp ...