... John Hanbury Dwyer (2009, Paperback) द्वारा John Hanbury Dwyer Paperback, 304 पन्ने, प्रकाशित 2009 द्वारा Kessinger Publishing ISBN ...
An Essay on Elocution: With Elucidatory Passages from Various Authors. Portada. J[ohn] H[anbury] Dwyer. HardPress, 11 de febr. 2020 - 320 pàgines.
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THE BOOKS · Mustang · The Oklahomans Vol 2 · Shortgrass · The Oklahomans Vol 1 · Riding the Shortgrass Country · When the Bluebonnets Come · The War Between the ...
缺少字詞: inauthor: H[ anbury].
ABSTRACT. This collection presents papers pertaining to the wide area of educational multimedia aad hypermedia. The ED-MEDIA conference series aims at using ...
Female verbal expression was often framed or contained in artifices created through rhetorical texts, for example, satirical, judicial, or moralistic texts.
2024年1月15日 · any other religious group In the Soviet. Union. Synagogue buildings and seminaries have been padlocked; Jewish cemeteries.
2019年1月14日 · Retrieving indexed documents, not by their topical content but their writing style opens the door for a number of applications in ...
2013年5月31日 · Authors: John W. Emerson, Michael J. Kane, Dirk Eddelbuettel, JJ Allaire, and Romain Francois. BOG. Bacterium and virus analysis of Orthologous ...
評分 (10)
"`To the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet.': Soldiers' Food and Cooking in the War for Independence” "The manner of messing and living together": ...
J o h n Allgood, Roger Wangsgard, Nancy Davies, Merlin Good, Dee. Haslam, and currently, Terry Turner (1996). In August 1997, Terry. Turner was employed as ...