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inauthor: British and Foreign Anti-slavery Society (來源
... Anti - Slavery Society builds its great establishments by forced labour ... British sphere through the influence of the Rev. John Mackenzie on Mr. W. E. ... ( Foreign Statesmen . ) Seaton's ( R. C. ) Sir Hudson Lowe and Napoleon ...
inauthor: British and Foreign Anti-slavery Society (來源
... foreign life and thought ; was made Professor of Foreign Quincy : city ... anti- and Hart . Railroad ; 8 miles S. of Boston ( for location , see ... slavery societies ; contributed to magazines ; was 1863-79 resident engineer of ...
inauthor: British and Foreign Anti-slavery Society (來源
... Society , " ( 1847. ) and other works . Died Jan. 15 , 1869. | legislature ... slavery , and joined orders in the Episcopal Church . He published " Cor ... anti - slavery agitator . He published " The Bible against Slavery ...
inauthor: British and Foreign Anti-slavery Society (來源
... British Minister , and Mr. Clayton , Secretary of State , in order to ... slavery question at home that they had little thought to give to their relations with any foreign ... society seemed to be wholly in sympathy with the South ...
inauthor: British and Foreign Anti-slavery Society (來源
... society . The fall of the about by a successive contraction and expansion of principles of that Alliance , the restraints imposed Roman Empire , so long ascribed , in ignorance , to upon him as a constitutional monarch prevented him slavery ...
inauthor: British and Foreign Anti-slavery Society (來源
... slavery , and neglected no opportunity to help to freedom the oppressed race ... society and the world at large which he has not touched with his acute and ... Foreign School Classics is Corneilles " Le Cid . " -About 300 Dante ...
inauthor: British and Foreign Anti-slavery Society (來源
... foreign troops , as well as the natives , without the slightest hesitation ; nor was such traffic as remained ever ... British manufactures , peculiar burdens , protection of British industry , and vested interests . Lord ...
inauthor: British and Foreign Anti-slavery Society (來源
... British Minister , and Mr. Clayton , Secretary of State , in order to ... slavery question at home that they had little thought to give to their relations with any foreign ... society seemed to be wholly in sympathy with the South ...
inauthor: British and Foreign Anti-slavery Society (來源
... slavery , is doubtful ; but the attempt will be made , and the people of England need not be surprised to learn that ... foreign country . A resolute but friendly address in these terms from an aggregate convention of free states ...
inauthor: British and Foreign Anti-slavery Society (來源
... England seemed to create a deep interest . We are told by certain travel- writers , that Englishmen are hated in foreign countries . I am proud to say I never experienced it , and I am inclined to think the discovery must have been made ...