Dec 14, 2014 ¡P Looking for good techniques people use to find their 4-4 Major fit, playing precision, assuming no interference and weak partner.
Oct 21, 2010 ¡P In any case, the auction needs background information what 1C-1S-2C-3D and 1C-1S-2C-3C are. In any case, 2D is definitely forcing and can ...
Aug 17, 2018 ¡P 1C-2D as 8-10 balanced. We would then play 1H as a spade poositive, 1S as a heart positive, 1NT as a club positive, and 2C as a diamond positive.
Jan 13, 2024 ¡P After 1C-1D-2C, I would suggest you play whatever system you play over a 2C opener, with adjustment for opener being stronger. So responder with ...
Aug 5, 2018 ¡P We tend to open 16+ clubs with 1C. If diamonds if the primary suit we have 20+ hcp and if balanced we would have 18+ (used to be 20+). 1D = 11- ...
Jan 12, 2012 ¡P What are your preferred methods over 2-level interference over 1C (16)+ (natural and artificial)? Our current methods over natural are the ...
I play 1C 2C and 1D 2D as 5+cds, FG, suit quality not less than qjxxx. Have other methods to show different FG hands. I am looking for an expert continuations ...
Feb 24, 2022 ¡P It depends on how the above sequences are defined. In general, jumps over 1C - 1D, tend be GF, with 2H reserved as a Kokish relay in some systems.
Jul 15, 2018 ¡P What would 2N and then a 3D (cue) rebid be? How about the meaning of 1C (2D) 2H P 2N P 3C P 3D? Is 1N Lebensohl after 1S interference? Or 2N?
Jul 9, 2015 ¡P Question after u have overcalled 1S. (1C)-1S-(2C)-X What should it mean? Have another meaning please comment and I will add.