#074777 color RGB value is (7,71,119). #074777 hex color red value is 7, green value is 71 and the blue value of its RGB is 119.
Regal Blue ¡P CategoryCyan blue ¡P NameRegal Blue ¡P Lightness29 % ¡P HEX074777 ¡P RGB7, 71, 119 ¡P HSL206, 89, 25 ¡P HSV206, 94, 47 ¡P CMYK94, 40, 0, 53 ...
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Color values for #074777. Hex value: 074777. RGB values: 7, 71, 119. HSL values: 205.7¢X, 88.9%, 24.7% HSV values: 205.7¢X, 94.1%, 46.7% Integer value: 477047.
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