侏袋鼬族是袋鼬属动物。 仅1属,即侏袋鼬属Planigale,共5种:吉氏侏袋鼬Planigale giles、英氏侏袋鼬Planigale ingrami、侏袋鼬Planigale maculata、新几内亚侏袋鼬 ...
袋鼬科(学名:Dasyuridae)是有袋类的一个科,原产于澳大利亚及新几内亚,包含17个属、71个现存物种;其中许多体型较小,貌似老鼠或鼩鼱,故又有有袋鼠、有袋鼩之称,不过亦有 ...
侏袋鼬属. 袋鼬科的一属哺乳动物. 侏袋鼬族. All entered languages. edit. Statements ... zh 侏袋鼬属. Wikibooks(0 entries). edit. Wikinews(0 entries). edit ...
P. tenuirostris is a rodent-like marsupial. It is small when compared to other Planigale spp. It has a flat skull that can be used for shoveling (Painter et al, ...
Among the world's smallest marsupials, weighing less than 10 g, this tiny carnivorous marsupial inhabits arid, semi-arid and some humid sub-tropical areas of ...
Paucident Planigale. View Profile. overview characteristics geography timeline information & media contact. Overview. Scientific Name. Planigale gilesi.
Long-tailed planigales are the smallest living marsupials. Long-tailed planigales weigh 4.2 to 4.3 grams and are 55 to 65 mm in length.
Mammal Species of the World: Information on Planigale. ... Planigale brunneus Troughton, 1928 (= Phascogale ingrami Thomas, 1906).