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inauthor:"Peter Rybaczyk" (來源
* In-depth look into all of the aspects of NTP. * Takes the mystery (and fear) out of working with NTP. * Written in an entertaining and multi-faceted voice.
inauthor:"Peter Rybaczyk" (來源
Master the design and deployment of small and medium-sized business networks.
inauthor:"Peter Rybaczyk" (來源
Sound familiar? The Cisco Router Troubleshooting Handbook is the book that will bail you out -- a one-stop nuts-and-bolts reference that puts real-world solutions at your fingertips.
inauthor:"Peter Rybaczyk" (來源
Here, two experts provide a crash-course on becoming a skilled network administrator, focusing on practical advice, tips, and solid information rather than theory.
inauthor:"Peter Rybaczyk" (來源
Internetworking with NetWare TCP/IP is a complete handbook and reference for implementing NetWare TCP/IP on the user's network with other NetWare and Microsoft products.
inauthor:"Peter Rybaczyk" (來源
This handbook is about routers and routing with lots of humor and everyday examples, as well as very technical explanations of routing protocols and practical configuration tips.
inauthor:"Peter Rybaczyk" (來源
美国IDG Books Worldwide, Inc.授权电子工业出版社及其所属今日电子杂志社出版