Can we remember other people's memories? This book argues that we can: that memories of traumatic events live on to mark the lives of those who were not there to experience them.
By analyzing how the debates have worked for and against feminism, and by promoting dialogue across a variety of contexts, these provocative essays explore the roots of divisiveness while articulating new models for a productive discourse ...
Mothers and daughters -- the female figures neglected by classic psychoanalysis and submerged in traditional narrative -- are at the center of this book.
Ambitious yet accessible, School Photos in Liquid Time presents school photography as a new access point into institutions of power, revealing the capacity of past and present actors to disrupt and reinvent them.
Marianne Hirsch, con su obra la generación de la posmemoria, se ha convertido en uno de los referentes fundamentales de este nuevo modo de enfocar el estudio de la memoria colectiva"--Page 4 of cover.