inauthor:"Harriet Jacobs" (來源
This edition also features six appendices, placing at readers’ fingertips resources that further illuminate the issues raised by Jacobs’s remarkable life and legacy.
inauthor:"Harriet Jacobs" (來源
We partner with leading publishers around the globe. Our goal is to have accessible editions simultaneously released with publishers' new books so that all readers can have access to the books they want to read.
inauthor:"Harriet Jacobs" (來源
Reader be assured this narrative is no fiction.
inauthor:"Harriet Jacobs" (來源
Reproduction of the original: Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl by Harriet Ann Jacobs
inauthor:"Harriet Jacobs" (來源
" The book is an in-depth chronological account of Jacobs's life as a slave, and the decisions and choices she made to gain freedom for herself and her children.
inauthor:"Harriet Jacobs" (來源
In this volume, Jennifer Fleischner examines the first- and best-known female account of life under, and escape from, slavery — Harriet Jacobs’ autobiography.
inauthor:"Harriet Jacobs" (來源
Long thought to be the work of a white writer, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl is the captivating and terrifying story of Jacobs' daily life on a plantation in North Carolina, her seven years of hiding, and her ultimate triumph.Jacobs ...
inauthor:"Harriet Jacobs" (來源
This book is the enlarged edition of the most significant and celebrated slave narrative that completes the Jacobs family saga.
inauthor:"Harriet Jacobs" (來源
I was born a slave; but I never knew it till six years of happy childhood had passed away.
inauthor:"Harriet Jacobs" (來源
Harriet Ann Jacobs (February 11, 1813 - March 7, 1897) was an American writer, who escaped from the horrors of slavery and became an abolitionist speaker and reformer.