A guide to owning, riding, and caring for a horse, with information on selection, apparel, stabling, health, grooming, feeding, equestrian sports, tack, and other subjects.
Here in this volume is a bouquet of quotations that will strike a responsive chord with anyone who has ever worked the soil or just admired nature’s handiwork.
Whether it's renting or sharing a horse, landing a job in a stable, or exercising or showing other people's horses, this wise guide uncovers all the options horseless riders can explore to get themselves into the saddle. (6 x 9, 256 pages, ...
"National Audubon Society collection nature series." Guide to North American mammals from land to the sea including less known ones that are unique or distinctive.
Featured in this book are some of the most familiar types of trees as well as many that are unusual and rare, but all of them are native to the North American continent.