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2009年6月18日 · The comparison of the efficiency scores by group of ownership shows that domestic banks have higher pure technical efficiency and lower scale ...
缺少字词: 西方 效率
2009年3月6日 · The comparison of the efficiency scores by group of ownership shows that domestic banks have higher pure technical efficiency and lower scale ...
缺少字词: 西方 银行 效率 对比
The comparison of the efficiency scores by group of ownership shows that domestic banks have higher pure technical efficiency and lower scale efficiency; ...
缺少字词: 西方 效率 对比
2023年3月14日 · This study considers the internal determinants of the bank's Efficiency as corporate governance, enterprise risk management, ownership structure ...
缺少字词: 西方 效率 Greek
2018年11月29日 · The study investigates the differences in technical, pure technical, and scale efficiencies of domestic and foreign banks in Algeria over ...
If the potential advantages of foreign bank entry − improved sector efficiency, a subset of domestic banks forced by competitive pressures into new market ...
缺少字词: 西方 效率 Greek
This paper assesses the degree of bank competition and discusses efficiency with regard to banks' financial intermediation in Ghana. By applying panel data to ...
缺少字词: 西方 效率
How is international mindedness conceptualised in the International Baccalaureate. Diploma Programme (IBDP)?. 2. How do the teachers of Chinese as a second ...
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