The Unfeasibility of Professionalization of Primary-school Teachers in Bangladesh. An analysis of the actors and factors, 1971 - 2001 · Quddus, S.M. Abdul ...
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2007年2月23日 · study report “Primary Teachers Training in Bangladesh An Analysis: Recommendations for Improvement” ... Primary Education in Bangladesh ...
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2007年6月22日 · The Unfeasibility of Professionalization of Primary-school Teachers in Bangladesh. An analysis of the actors and factors, 1971 - 2001.
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2018年2月14日 · The feasibility of professionalization of primary-school teachers in Bangladesh: a critical analysis of the actors and factors, 1971-2001.
缺少字词: 小学 专业 孟加拉 不可 研究: UNFEASIBILITY
PROFESSIONALIZATION of. PRIMARY-SCHOOL TEACHERS in. BANGLADESH. A Critical Analysis of the Actors and Factors, 1971-2001. Dr. S. M. Abdul Quddus. ANDPHA H ...
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2021年2月8日 · This study investigated the current practice of learning, teaching and assessment in science, particularly in classrooms at primary level in ...
The unfeasibility of professionalization of primary-school teachers in Bangladesh an analysis of the actors and factors, 1971-2001 (Doctoral dissertation).
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This study aimed to identify the views of primary school teachers on their creative thinking skills.
缺少字词: 小学 专业 孟加拉 不可 actors factors: UNFEASIBILITY BANGLADESH
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