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Situated 3.5km away from the centre of the city, 'Diamond Lotus' is a set of three condominium buildings for 720 families, with a total floor space of 67,240 ...
2024年8月22日 · Diamond Lotus Riverside Apartment | Diamond Lotus Riverside is Mitsubishi Corporation condo in district 8 Ho Chi Minh City.
The VERY BEST Casino Experience in Asia! View and bet on an actual live game via the very latest webcasting technology. https:/...
Rome by Diamind Lotus provides an intimate green space, full of the finest amenities in the world's tallest bulding. Peace in the tropical gardens.
Diamond Lotus Riverside is the only eco-apartment project in Ho Chi Minh City with full of utility services.
Diamond Lotus Condominium is a high-end condominium residence located in the South Eastern part of Yangon. Hitachi has installed 3 elevators in this 14 storey ...
Diamond Lotus, designed by Vo Trong Nghia is a trio of residential towers in Ho Chi Minh highlighted by its innovative placement of Bamboo swathes, ...
2022年3月23日 · The Diamond Lotus Riverside luxury apartment building of Phuc Khang Corporation was named among the five best green-smart building projects of last year.
2015年9月28日 · Vietnamese studio Vo Trong Nghia Architects has unveiled plans for a trio of housing towers in Ho Chi Minh City linked by aerial bridges and shielded from the ...