Matelda Couch

Written by Matelda Couch

Modified & Updated: 31 May 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith


If you’re a travel enthusiast, you’ve probably heard of Guilin, a picturesque city nestled in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of southern China. Known for its stunning landscapes and rich cultural heritage, Guilin is often considered one of the most beautiful cities in the country. With its karst mountains, tranquil rivers, and lush greenery, Guilin attracts millions of visitors every year, eager to explore its natural wonders and immerse themselves in the local culture.

But Guilin offers so much more than just its scenic beauty. From historical landmarks to local cuisine, this city has a lot to offer. In this article, we will delve into 46 fascinating facts about Guilin, shedding light on its history, culture, attractions, and unique features. So, whether you’re planning a trip to Guilin or simply curious about this remarkable destination, get ready to discover the charms and wonders of this enchanting city.

Key Takeaways:

  • Guilin, China, is famous for its stunning natural beauty, including karst mountains, the Li River, and traditional rice terraces. It’s a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts and a cultural hub for artists and poets.
  • Guilin offers a blend of ancient traditions and modern experiences, from cormorant fishing shows to vibrant nightlife. It’s a city where history, nature, and culture come together to create a unique and unforgettable destination.
Table of Contents

Guilin is a city located in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of China.

Guilin is renowned for its breathtaking natural landscapes and scenic beauty.

The name “Guilin” means “Forest of Sweet Osmanthus” in Chinese.

This flower is native to the region and fills the air with a fragrant aroma during its blooming season.

Guilin is famous for its iconic karst mountains and limestone formations.

The towering peaks and unique rock formations are a result of millions of years of geological processes.

The Li River flows through Guilin, offering picturesque views of the surrounding landscapes.

The river is a popular destination for tourists who wish to take a scenic boat cruise.

Guilin has been a source of inspiration for many ancient Chinese poets and artists.

Its natural beauty has been depicted in numerous works of art and literature throughout history.

The city is home to the world-famous Reed Flute Cave.

This limestone cave is adorned with a multitude of colorful stalactites and stalagmites.

Guilin has a subtropical monsoon climate with mild winters and hot, humid summers.

It experiences a significant amount of rainfall throughout the year, giving rise to its lush vegetation.

Guilin is a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers.

Activities such as hiking, biking, and rock climbing can be enjoyed in the surrounding mountains.

The Longji Rice Terraces, located near Guilin, are a marvel of agricultural engineering.

These terraced fields, built into the hillsides, offer breathtaking views and a glimpse into traditional farming methods.

Guilin is known for its delectable cuisine, particularly its rice noodles and stuffed snails.

Visitors can indulge in a variety of local dishes that showcase the flavors of the region.

The city is home to the Guilin International Film Festival.

This annual event attracts filmmakers and cinema enthusiasts from around the world.

Elephant Trunk Hill is one of Guilin’s most famous landmarks.

The hill resembles an elephant drinking water from the Li River and offers panoramic views of the city.

Guilin is a popular destination for photographers due to its stunning landscapes and unique cultural experiences.

From capturing sunrise over the Li River to exploring the local markets, there is no shortage of subjects to photograph.

The city is known for its traditional cormorant fishing shows.

This ancient fishing technique involves fishermen using trained cormorant birds to catch fish in the rivers.

Guilin is also home to the Guilin Medical University, which is renowned for its medical programs.

The university attracts students from both China and abroad.

The Yulong River, often referred to as the “Little Li River,” offers a peaceful alternative to the bustling Li River.

Visitors can enjoy bamboo rafting or cycling along the scenic riverbanks.

The Seven-Star Park is the largest comprehensive park in Guilin.

It features stunning natural scenery, ancient architecture, and a zoo with a variety of animals.

Guilin is a paradise for birdwatchers, with over 300 species of birds found in the area.

Birdwatching enthusiasts can spot a wide range of feathered friends in the city’s parks and nature reserves.

The city is known for its traditional folk performances, including the famous Lijiang Song and Dance Show.

This vibrant performance celebrates the culture and traditions of the local ethnic minority groups.

Guilin has a long history that dates back more than 2,000 years.

It has been a cultural and economic hub in southern China for centuries.

The Guilin Merryland Resort is a popular amusement park in the city.

It offers a wide range of thrilling rides, entertainment shows, and beautiful gardens.

Guilin is home to several ethnic minority groups, including the Zhuang, Yao, and Miao.

These communities contribute to the city’s diverse cultural heritage.

The city’s night market is a bustling hub of food stalls, souvenir shops, and entertainment.

Visitors can sample local delicacies and purchase unique souvenirs to remember their trip.

Guilin has been the setting for numerous films, including the famous Chinese film “The Blue Kite.”

The city’s picturesque landscapes have provided a stunning backdrop for many cinematic productions.

The city’s iconic Twin Pagodas, located in the Shanhu Lake, are a popular attraction.

These pagodas were built to commemorate the friendship between Guilin and its sister city, San Francisco.

Guilin is known for its vibrant nightlife, with a plethora of bars, clubs, and live music venues.

Visitors can enjoy a lively atmosphere and entertainment options well into the night.

The Guilin Tea Research Institute is dedicated to the cultivation and development of tea varieties.

Tea enthusiasts can explore the institute and learn about the rich history and traditions of tea in Guilin.

The city hosts the annual Guilin International Tourism Festival, showcasing the best of Guilin’s tourism offerings.

The festival features cultural performances, exhibitions, and a variety of activities for locals and visitors alike.

The Dragon’s Backbone Rice Terraces are another notable attraction near Guilin.

These terraced fields resemble the scales on a dragon’s back and offer stunning panoramic views.

Guilin has a thriving art scene, with numerous art galleries and exhibitions showcasing local and international works.

Art enthusiasts can immerse themselves in the city’s creative atmosphere.

The Yangshuo Impression Light Show is a spectacular performance held on the Li River.

Featuring hundreds of performers, the show combines music, dance, and stunning visual effects.

Guilin is a gateway to the Guangxi Ethnic Minority Villages.

Visitors can explore these traditional villages and learn about the customs and traditions of the local ethnic minority groups.

The city is adorned with numerous parks and gardens, providing tranquil oases amidst the urban landscape.

These green spaces offer opportunities for relaxation, picnicking, and leisurely walks.

Guilin is well-connected with a modern transportation network, including an international airport and high-speed train services.

Getting to and around the city is convenient for both domestic and international travelers.

The Longsheng Hot Springs are a popular attraction near Guilin.

Visitors can soak in the therapeutic hot springs and indulge in a rejuvenating spa experience.

In ancient times, Guilin was used as a military stronghold and played a strategic role in defending southern China.

Historical remnants of fortifications can still be seen in certain areas of the city.

Guilin is home to the Guangxi Normal University, renowned for its educational programs in the humanities, sciences, and arts.

The university attracts students from all over China and abroad.

The city has a vibrant traditional handicraft industry, with artisans producing exquisite works of art, including embroidery, ceramics, and bamboo weaving.

Visitors can purchase unique and intricately crafted souvenirs as a memento of their time in Guilin.

Guilin is known for its stunning autumn foliage, with the vibrant colors of the maple and sweetgum trees painting the city in shades of red and gold.

This is a popular time for tourists to visit and admire the natural beauty.

The city’s underground labyrinth of karst caves is a treasure trove for speleologists and cave enthusiasts.

These caves offer a fascinating glimpse into the geological wonders that lie beneath the surface.

Guilin has been designated as one of China’s “National Civilized Cities” due to its efforts in promoting cultural heritage, environmental conservation, and social development.

The city takes pride in its commitment to sustainable growth and preserving its natural and cultural assets.

The Guilin International Science and Technology Expo is an annual event that showcases the latest advancements in science and technology.

The expo attracts professionals, researchers, and innovators from various fields.

Guilin is a popular destination for river cruises, allowing visitors to explore the scenic beauty of the Li River and its surrounding landscapes.

These cruises offer a relaxing and immersive experience in nature.

The Solitary Beauty Peak is a landmark in Guilin, offering panoramic views of the city from its summit.

Visitors can climb to the top for a breathtaking perspective of the surrounding karst landscape.

Guilin has a rich cultural heritage, with numerous ancient temples and pagodas dotting the city.

These architectural wonders provide insights into the city’s spiritual traditions and historical significance.

Guilin is a city that seamlessly blends tradition and modernity, offering visitors a unique cultural experience amidst its stunning natural surroundings.

Whether exploring the ancient streets or enjoying the vibrant nightlife, Guilin has something to offer for everyone.


In conclusion, Guilin is a captivating city that offers a myriad of unique and breathtaking experiences. With its stunning karst landscape, beautiful rivers, and rich cultural heritage, it is no wonder that Guilin has become a popular tourist destination. From taking a leisurely cruise along the Li River to exploring the surreal beauty of the Reed Flute Cave, there is no shortage of natural wonders to discover. Additionally, Guilin’s rich history and vibrant local culture make it an ideal destination for those seeking an immersive cultural experience. Whether you are an adventure seeker, nature lover, or history buff, Guilin has something to offer everyone. So, pack your bags and get ready to be enchanted by the many secrets and wonders that Guilin has to offer.


1. When is the best time to visit Guilin?

The best time to visit Guilin is during the spring (April and May) and autumn (September and October) when the weather is mild and comfortable. During these seasons, you can enjoy clear skies, pleasant temperatures, and vibrant natural scenery.

2. How can I get to Guilin?

Guilin is easily accessible via air, train, or bus. The city has its own international airport, which offers both domestic and international flights. There are also several high-speed trains connecting Guilin to major cities in China.

3. What are the must-see attractions in Guilin?

Some of the must-see attractions in Guilin include the Li River, Yangshuo, Reed Flute Cave, Longji Rice Terraces, and Elephant Trunk Hill. These landmarks showcase the natural beauty and cultural heritage of the region.

4. Are there any adventurous activities in Guilin?

Absolutely! Guilin offers a range of adventurous activities such as bamboo rafting, rock climbing, hiking in the karst mountains, and exploring the caves. These activities are perfect for adrenaline junkies and outdoor enthusiasts.

5. What is the local cuisine like in Guilin?

Guilin is known for its unique and flavorful cuisine. Some of the local specialties include Guilin rice noodles, beer fish, stuffed snails, and bamboo rice. Don’t miss the opportunity to sample these delicious dishes while visiting Guilin.

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