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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.
These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

Translation of "只" in English


只是 +10k
只有 +10k
只要 +10k
只能 +10k
船只 +10k
只不过 +10k
只好 6770
只得 2178
只须 1083
I only agreed to get one person into the laboratory.
Excel中容纳部分信息, 喜欢名称数量, 地址等.
Excel only accommodates partial information, like name number, address etc.
更新系统 您需要几个组件
Your system needs to be updated with just a few components.
We were just hoping that mousy didn't grow in size and stature.
要尝试在任何游戏GameGuardian, 需下载它的APK文件下方.
To try GameGuardian on any game, simply download its APK file below.
需下载一个模拟器为 Android 和 ROM 超级光驱盒.
Simply download an emulator for Android and the ROM mega drive cartridge.
Only dispensing is allowed for the bill of material item %s01.
So this is a coffee machine. Just takes a few hundred rupees.
I just hope it doesn't cause any permanent damage.
Consumers seemed to be only interested in bargains, too.
根据条列 拿合同书和硬盘
According to regulations, only take contracts and hard disks.
only that needed for your visit to this website and any purchases
一开始是晕倒 显示自主神经功能
Well, the first time through was faint and only showed autonomic functions.
Only a few ashes were left from all those corpses.
I just wish I could laugh, find something funny.
Just a few steps are required for the clamping process.
Skolarbete.nu涉及交流和互相帮助。 deals only to share and help each other.
He understood that life couldn't just be about business.
Only functional commissions will be further discussed in this paper.
它们存在于极端环境 比如咸水湖
They're only found in extreme environments, like salt lakes.
No results found for this meaning.

Suggestions that contain 只

只是 +10k
只有 +10k
只要 +10k
只能 +10k
船只 +10k
只不过 +10k
只好 6770
只得 2178
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Results: 170553. Exact: 170553. Elapsed time: 58 ms.

Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400

Phrase index: 1-400