Friday 25 March 2016

Roti Canai (K♠)

Roti canai  is a type of Indian-influenced flatbread found in Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore. It is often sold in Mamak stalls in Malaysia; also in Malay, Minangkabau and Aceh restaurants in Indonesia. It is known as roti prata in Southern Malaysia and Singapore, and is similar to the Indian Kerala porotta. It is also found throughout Thailand, where it is called "Ro Tee" and is typically sold by Muslims, most often with street carts, and is usually Halal.

In English and in Chinese, roti canai is sometimes referred to as "flying bread" (飞饼 ), a term that evokes the process of tossing and spinning by which it is made. In Chinese, Roti canai is originally called 印度煎饼  which means Indian pancake.

Traditionally roti canai is served with dhal (lentil curry) or any type of curry, such as mutton or chicken curry. However, the versatility of roti canai as the staple lends itself to many variations, either savoury or sweet, with a variety of toppings and fillings, which includes eggs, banana, sardines and onion. In Thailand, it is usually served sweet - typical fillings include condensed milk, peanut butter, jam and nutella, without the curry.

Roti canai commonly is consumed with curries, as a dipping sauce or poured upon the roti. Variations of curries includes lentil, vegetables, mutton, beef to chicken curry. However, as a staple food, the versatility of roti canai has enabled the cook to create some new recipes and derivatives with variations of toppings and fillings, either savoury or sweet. One of the characteristics of roti canai and its derivatives is that it can be eaten with the hands, without the need for utensils. This makes it a convenient dish to consume, while being filling. This characteristic makes it a dish of choice as breakfast or as late night supper.yindu

印度煎饼(Roti canai)是种圆扁形的煎饼,是马来西亚嘛嘛档的一种受欢迎的食物。它被用来当早餐、午餐、下午茶与晚餐。常被用来与拉茶或冰茶配着一起吃。普遍上是配着达尔酱(素咖喱,马来西亚语叫做:dahl)或巴尔布或咖哩与小风尾鱼热辣酱料一起吃。

印度煎饼的馬來語是roti canaiRoti 指的是 "面包",在这里的意思是 "煎饼",而canai的意思是 "来回压扁",只因印度煎饼师傅在制作印度煎饼过程中把面团压扁,风晾及拉阔。也有传说canai的由来是源于在制作煎饼时一起使用的面团(channal)。另一种说法是canai一词源自印度的珍奈城(chennai),只因在当年大量印度人迁移至马来西亚淘金时,那时候的印度煎饼师傅都是来自印度的珍奈城的。

在印度与新加坡,印度煎饼也被称 "布拉塔"prata)煎饼。印度煎饼与布拉塔煎饼的形状都是一样的,而布拉塔煎饼也保存了印度煎饼的特色:圆形。

在马来西亚拥有多种口味,如下: Roti Telur(雞蛋口味) Roti Pisang(香蕉口味) Roti Planta(牛油口味) 不同地区,口味各异。

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