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學名Nyctidromus albicollis
質量58 克
分布于北美地区、中美洲等地的鸟类. 脊索动物门分布于北美地区(包括美国、加拿大、格陵兰、百慕大群岛、圣皮埃尔和密克隆群岛及墨西哥境内北美与中美洲之间的过渡 ...
The Common Pauraque's subtle brown, black, and gray plumage provides such excellent camouflage that it might as well be invisible in its daytime sleeping spots ...
a nightjar species, one of two birds in the genus Nyctidromus. It breeds in the subtropical and tropical regions of the New World.
Cryptically patterned nightbird; widespread and common in Central and South America, limited U.S. range. Found in shrubby woodlands.
Pauraque, (Nyctidromus albicollis), nocturnal bird of brushlands from southern Texas to northern Argentina. It is a relative of the nightjar (q.v.), ...
帕拉夜鹰(英文名:Pauraque,学名:Nyctidromus albicollis),是夜鹰目夜鹰科帕拉夜鹰属的鸟类。 帕拉夜鹰,夜鹰科珍稀鸟类,分布于北美地区、中美洲、南美洲等地区。
Size & Shape. A fairly large nightjar, with a long tail, long, rounded wings, small head, and large eyes. · Color Pattern. Exquisitely camouflaged with patterns ...
A common tropical nightjar. If disturbed by day at its resting place in dense thickets, it flutters away on a zigzag course, showing white flashes in the wings ...
Vertebrata · 鳥綱 綱 Aves · 夜鷹目 目 Caprimulgiformes · 夜鷹科 科 Caprimulgidae · 屬 Nyctidromus; 帕拉夜鷹 Nyctidromus albicollis. 帕拉夜鷹 Nyctidromus ...
Common Pauraques are resident in Texas and breed from late March to August, based on egg dates from April 1 to June 28 and young about 1 week old found on ...