三聲夜鷹(學名:Antrostomus vociferus),是一種分布於北美的夜鷹。棲息於開闊的林地。波多黎各夜鷹亦稱為波多黎各三聲夜鷹。 三聲夜鷹. 雄性成鳥.
Cryptic night bird, more often heard than seen. Listen for namesake song, a whistled "whip-poor-WILL," repeated endlessly. Found in forests, often with a ...
三聲夜鷹(學名:Caprimulgus vociferus),夜鹰科夜鹰属的一种,是一種北美夜鷹。棲息於開闊的林地。波多黎各夜鷹亦稱為波多黎各三聲夜鷹。 (來源:維基百科 ...
The eastern whip-poor-will is a medium-sized (22–27 cm or 8.7–10.6 in) bird within the nightjar family, Caprimulgidae, from North America.
Eastern Whip-poor-wills are medium-sized birds with a large, rounded head and a stout chest that tapers to a long tail and wings, giving them a distinctly front ...
三声夜鹰(英文名:Eastern Whip-poor-will,学名:Antrostomus vociferus),是夜鹰目夜鹰科卡氏夜鹰属的鸟类。三声夜鹰栖息于开阔的林地。 繁殖区: 北美:加拿大中南部和东南部, ...
Male sings at night to defend territory and to attract a mate. Courtship behavior not well known; male approaches female on ground with much head-bobbing, ...
Eastern Whip-poor-wills are easy to hear but hard to see. Their brindled plumage blends perfectly with the gray-brown leaf litter of the open forests.
The Eastern Whip-poor-will is rarely seen due to its excellent camouflage. This member of the nightjar family is named for its haunting, onomatopoeic song.
Adult whip-poor-wills have short, rounded wings and are able to turn quickly when pursuing prey. They have cryptically colored plumage with gray, brown, ...