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1 Strong smoke-free restaurant and bar laws are important because: • Everyone has the right to breathe clean, smoke-free air at work and while visiting public ...
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Surveys show that most customers prefer smoke-free environments.4. Is there a state law that protects people from secondhand smoke at bars and restaurants?
Dec 4, 2018 · Smoke-free policies in restaurants and bars were associated with mean within-person reductions in systolic BP of -0.85 (-1.61, -0.09) and ...
Apr 3, 2014 · Smoke-free air laws in restaurants and bars protect patrons and workers from involuntary exposure to secondhand smoke, but owners often express ...
We measured support for smoke-free bars and restaurants among teens and young adults aged 16–24 years living in Minnesota (n=2,785) and five comparison states ( ...
At 8 of 13 bars that allowed smoking on patios or in semi-enclosed areas, the measurements reached EPA “Unhealthy” levels over the course of an hour. Some ...
* States with comprehensive smoke-free laws are those that require worksites, restaurants, and bars to be smoke-free. † Date when all three ...
Jul 9, 2024 · A recent systematic review of the research found that smoke-free laws covering workplaces, including restaurants and bars, is associated with ...
Nov 21, 2018 · Many cities, states, and countries have passed legislation banning smoking in public places including restaurants, bars, and workplaces in an ...
Sep 25, 2020 · Expanding smoke-free communities: attitudes and beliefs surrounding smoke-free casinos and bars in Washoe County, Nevada.