site of the proposed Kanjiagou reservoir. The 29 oil wells will be capped in two stages and the inactivation of the wells will follow the guidance of Well ...
located on the site of the proposed Kanjiagou reservoir. The 29 oil wells will be capped by the owner of oil wells, Qinghuabian Oil Field, in two stages and ...
Nov 23, 2008宏. 宏 当玡置线. ID: 115922; カ币: じ; ┇: 题: 弘华: 猔册时间: 2008-4-8; 线时间: 时; 程祅录: 1970-1-1; 阅读权: 150; 积だ ...
Feb 16, 2016国际办戳时间 | CN办戳删埃  玡ぱ戳国际办  琎ぱ戳国际办  さぱ戳国际办  ぱ戳国际办  ぱ戳国际办
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