Data are for state-wide laws that apply to private-sector worksites, restaurants, and bars. States without statewide smoking restrictions may have local smoke- ...
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As of 2018, the most recent statewide smoking ban is Alaska's, which was signed into law on July 18 and went into effect on October 1. As further detailed in ...
Idaho, Mississippi, North Carolina, and Oklahoma prohibit smoking in government worksites but not in private worksites. Since 2010, several states enacted ...
The American Lung Association believes that all 50 states and the District of Columbia must pass laws prohibiting smoking in all public places and workplaces.
Jul 1, 2024 · A growing number of states, cities and countries are enacting laws that require all workplaces and public places to be smoke-free.
* 6 states – California, Connecticut, Illinois, New York, Utah and Wisconsin – and the District of Columbia prohibit giving away samples of cigarettes and/or ...
Another 2 states and Guam have enacted strong smoke-free laws covering all restaurants and bars: New. Hampshire and North Carolina. Hundreds of cities and ...
No Restriction · State law bans smoking in some or all workplace vehicles · State law bans smoking in any type of workplace vehicle AND in personal vehicles with ...
Where is smoking allowed? Smoking is permitted outside, so long as you smoke 16 feet or further from the entrance, exit or ventilation intake of a workplace.