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MT29F8G08ABBCAH4-IT:C Micron NAND Flash SLC 8G 1GX8 FBGA datasheet, inventory, & pricing.
MT29F8G08ABBCAH4-IT:C ; Memory Organization. 1G x 8 ; Memory Interface. Parallel ; Write Cycle Time - Word, Page. - ; Voltage - Supply. 1.7V ~ 1.95V ; Operating ...
Part-specific certification as required by China's Management Methods for Controlling Pollution by Electronic Information Products. File Type: pdf. Updated: ...
Buy Micron MT29F8G08ABBCAH4-IT:C in Avnet Americas. View Substitutes & Alternatives along with datasheets, stock, pricing and search for other Flash Memory ...
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MT29F8G08ABBCA is a NAND flash memory. NAND flash device include an asynchronous data interface for high-performance I/O operations.
Micron TechnologyMT29F8G08ABBCAH4-IT:CFlash. SLC NAND Flash Parallel 1.8V 8G-bit 1G x 8 63-Pin VFBGA Tray. Download Datasheet. Symbols and Footprints.
MT29F8G08ABBCAH4-IT:C Micron Tech $6.3732 - VFBGA-63 NAND FLASH ROHS datasheet, price, inventory C2888362.
MYR 38.72
MT29F8G08ABBCA is a NAND flash memory. NAND flash device include an asynchronous data interface for high-performance I/O operations.
MT29F8G08ABBCAH4-IT:C from Micron Tech - NAND FLASH is available for JLCPCB assembly, check the stock, pricing and datasheet, and let JLCPCB helps you ...
NOK 58.78 to NOK 86.69 In stock
MT29F8G08ABBCA is a NAND flash memory. NAND flash device include an asynchronous data interface for high-performance I/O operations.