VTT9112 Datasheet. Part #: VTT9102. Datasheet: 21Kb/1P. Manufacturer: PerkinElmer Optoelectronics. Description: .040 NPN Phototransistors. 2 Results.
VTT9112 Datasheet. 21Kb/1P. Part #: VTT9102. Manufacturer: PerkinElmer Optoelectronics. Description: .040 NPN Phototransistors. 2 Results. Part #: VTT9103.
5.0. 0.25. 3. 20°. T-1. 30. 5,0. 0,25. 4. 0.1" LEADS. VTT9111. VTT9112. SOT. 30. 5,0. 0.25. 5. VTT9113 . 5.0. 0.25. • 1.5. MOLDED. VTT9310. 50T 02. 5.0. 0.25. 2.
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... / Q4: EG&G VATEC VTT 9112 || | CR1: NEC SE303A || ----- --, or GND - ----- CR1 \ / '--> HP HEMP-3301 (narrower beam) --- | R1-R8: 5% / OUT R2 ...