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PQ20VZ5U. part details. Manufacturer: SHARP. DC: Status: Avail. Quantity: 2505. Quantity: Add to Cart. Data Sheet Available by Request. ; 20V 22UF +- 10%. part ...
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We have a decade of experience in trading MEMORY FLASH, motherboard and chips. HK Jiaweiyi Technology Limited, established in 1998 targeting to become one of ...
Parts ; PQ20VZIU, PQ26-365, PQ28C17A-350 ; PQ20VZIU, PQ26/12-3C96-E250, PQ28C17A250 ; PQ20VZLU, PQ26/12.4-3F3-H · PQ28C17A350 ; PQ20VZU(20VZ11), PQ26/13.8-3C95
PQ20VZIU 1 +10V 3. REG K3951 FAN DRV 10V REG SENS A E27 10VREG +14V_FAN1 IC3952 ... PQ20VZIU AXM1036 1. VIN 4 Vad REG Vo Q3954. Q3953 3. FAN Q3966 D3959 0.7V DC ...
PQ20VZIU price list: transistor-mosfet.com offers you the best PQ20VZIU photo,datasheet and PQ20VZIU pdf.
Vo. Vad. IC3956. PQ20VZIU. +. –. + –. 1. 1. 4. 4. 3. 3. 7. +14V. P1. E2. R3971. +10V REG. IC3951. PQ20VZIU. 1. 3. 4.5V DC. FAN MIN. VOL GENE. 10V REG. 61. Q3966.
PQ20VZIU 1 +10V 3. REG K3951 FAN DRV 10V REG SENS A E27 10VREG IC3952 FAN. + ... PQ20VZIU AXM1036 1. VIN 4 Vad REG Vo. Q3954. Q3953 3. FAN Q3966 D3959 0.7V DC ...