Details, datasheet, quote on part number: KDV142E ; Title, Silicon Epitaxial PIN Type Diode, ESC, 30A, 100mA ; Description ; Company, Korea Electronics (KEC).
KDV142 Datasheet. Part #: KDV142E. Datasheet: 34Kb/2P. Manufacturer: KEC(Korea Electronics). Description: SILICON EPITAXIAL PIN TYPE DIODE. 8 Results.
KDV142E from www.censtry.com
KDV142E-RTK/P KEC are new and original and in stock for sale with 180 days warranty! view product specifications of Integrated Circuits (ICs) and datasheet ...
Transistors,KDV142E Price - KDV142E in stock - KDV142E Data sheet - KDV142E Picture - Buy KDV142E on Utsource.net.
KDV142E datasheet, KDV142E pdf, KDV142E data sheet, datasheet, data sheet ... KDV142E datasheet. KDV142E manufactured by: Korea Electronics (KEC), Antenna ...
SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA For antenna switches in mobile applications. FEATURES Low Capacitance : CT=0.35[pF] (Max.) Low Series resistance : rS=1.5[ ...
KDV142E Specifications: Package: ESC, 2 PIN ; Number of Diodes: 1 Low Capacitance : CT=0.35[pF] (Max.) Low Series resistance : rS=1.5[ Small Package : ESC. ]
KDV142E from www.alldatasheet.co.kr
KDV142E 제품 세부 정보. For antenna switches in mobile applications. FEATURES • Low Capacitance : CT=0.35[pF] ...
KDV142E brand new original is produced by KEC original factory, using ESC package, batch number 06+, Microchip Centennial Integrated Circuit Warehouse is ...
KDV125, KDV142E-RTK/P, KDV142F datasheet.Selling leads from all over the world, Seekic is the world's biggest IC trading marketplace on the internet.