511-4051BM-TR HCF4051MO13TR SO-16. Single 8-channel analog .48 .382 .281. 511-4098BM-TR HCF4098M013TR SO-16. Dual Mono Multivibrator .76 .647 .485. Thru Hole.
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511-4051BM-TR HCF4051MO13TR SO-16. Single 8-channel analog .52 .417 .307. 511-4098BM-TR HCF4098M013TR SO-16. Dual Mono Multivibrator .83 .707 .53. Thru Hole.
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PDF: HCF4051MO13TR Datasheet ; 描述信息: Manufacturer: STMICROELECTRONICS Category: Integrated Circuits Package Type: N/A Status: N/A
HCF4051MO13TR SO-16 Single 8-channel analog. Thru Hole. 511-4001. HCF4001BEY. DIP-14 Quad 2-input NOR gate. 511-4007U. HCF4007UBEY. DIP-14 Dual complementary ...
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