去(拼音:qù)为汉语一级通用规范汉字(常用字)。 此字始见于商代甲骨文,其古字形一般认为像人离开住处的样子,本义指离开、离去。 后用为使动,表示使离开、使离去。 “去”又由离开引申为距离。
釋義 编辑 · 去除,移除 引文. 去掉 — qùdiào — to remove: 脫去/脱去 — tuōqù — to throw off: 拆去 — chāiqù — to remove, to take off: 去蝦腸/去虾肠 — qù ...
Definitions edit · to remove; to get rid of quotations . 去掉 — qùdiào — to remove: 脫去/脱去 — tuōqù — to throw off: 拆去 — chāiqù — to remove, to take off ...
Chinese Definition: ①离开所在的地方到别处;由自己一方到另一方,与“来”相对:去处。去路。去国。 ②距离,差别:相去不远。 ③已过的,特指刚过去的一年:去年。去冬 ...
The verb 去(qù) means "to go," and is an easy way to talk about going to places. Structure. Subj. + 去+ [Place]. Notice that you don't need a word to express " ...
您要去哪儿? 您要去哪兒? nín yào qù nǎr ? phr. Where do you want to go?
去(qù) currently has the following grammatical points associated with it: Using the verb "qu" (A1); Directional verbs "lai" and "qu" (A2) ...
去(qù) can be understood as “to remove.” But it needs to be paired with characters such as 掉(diào)or 除(chú). For example, 去掉(Qùdiào) or 除去(Chùqú).
heui2, heui3, heoi2, heoi3, to go / to go to (a place) / to cause to go or send (sb) / to remove / to get rid of / (when used either before or after a verb) ...
[qù] v. go; go in order to do; (after a verb) indicating motion away from the speaker or a change in location. [qù] v. remove; (euphemism) pass away, die; ...